Smoke Detectors

Smoke Alarm System Installation in Leicester, MA

Nieves Electric is your go-to solution for all things electrical. With a reputation for professionalism and reliability, we specialize in a wide array of services catering to both residential and commercial needs.

Trusted Smoke Alarm Wiring

One crucial service we offer is smoke alarm system installation. Investing in a robust smoke alarm system is not just a matter of compliance; it’s about safeguarding lives and property. Our expert technicians understand the importance of a properly installed and maintained smoke alarm system. Beyond mere installation, we meticulously assess your space to strategically place detectors for maximum coverage.

With our state-of-the-art systems, you gain peace of mind knowing that your loved ones or employees are protected round the clock. Early detection can mean the difference between a minor incident and a devastating catastrophe. Trust Nieves Electric to keep you one step ahead of potential hazards.

Expert and Hardworking Team Members

At Nieves Electric, our team comprises seasoned professionals who are not only highly skilled but also deeply committed to customer satisfaction. We prioritize transparency and clear communication, ensuring that you are informed and involved every step of the way.

Ready to fortify your property with top-notch electrical solutions in Leicester, MA? Don’t leave safety to chance. Contact Nieves Electric today, and let us protect your property with our reliable smoke alarm wiring.

A smoke detector may save your life one day. A detector should alert the family by warning them of smoke in the home. Usually, store-bought are cheaper and run off the battery, but wired devices are more dependable. You can prevent the worst from happening to your family by calling Nieves Electric; the alert you hear may also be what protects your home. Call today and have yours installed professionally.

Over the years, a replacement may be in need to upgrade the current detector. Replacing it can be very beneficial to the life of a home. Nieves Electric electricians can provide you with a safety check and evaluate the detector and other electrical hazards.


Where you put a detector in your home in Worcester, MA, all depends on several things. You wouldn’t need one in the basement or bathroom, but you would need ones in the following areas of your house as location matters in this case:

  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Hallways
  • Entryway


Repairs can be done to your detector, such as loose connections. A loose connection can prevent the device from working. A good working detector is hard-wired into the ceiling. Sometimes walking in-between floors can knock the wiring loose, which will result in repairs.

New Construction

If you are currently in the middle of building a new home or commercial dwelling, you should have already been thinking about detectors (carbon and smoke) and where to have them installed. Each story of the building should be assigned to at least one.


Each detector should be interconnected with the next. One that is triggered alerts all others. Not all of them have an interconnection feature, though. Smoke is dangerous and very deadly when inhaled. This is why it’s essential to have this feature.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

The carbon monoxide detector is something that a lot of home and business owners pass up. Many feel it is an unimportant electrical component to have in the home. But, carbon monoxide is an invisible gas that is ultimately deadly.


Professional installations can be exactly what you need to keep your home and family safe. Call Nieves Electric for a time to set your detectors up, and soon you’ll be able to leave home for work or vacation and not have to stress.

Our Nieves Electric electricians can install, repair, and replace your smoke detector and others. We have been providing our services for 2022, keeping homes intact in the area. Throw that battery-operated detector out and have yours hard-wired.